Thursday 22 October 2015

A dog called Jesus

My children attend a Catholic school. I'm not religious but it is fine with me. The school is little and friendly and does a good job. But my children have started saying "Jesus" a lot.

Jesus, why didn't you say we were having ice-cream?
Oh! Bloody Jesus! My shoes are outside in the rain.
And just random exclamations of Jesus to annoy me.

So today on the way to school they were lamenting the Patriarchy and the fact a woman can not be Pope. They both argued that Mary was the intrinsically more awesome family member and that Jesus having a penis was really why it is all about him. Cute little feminist.

That, strangely, lead into a conversation about having a dog called Jesus so you could call the following into the nigh:

Jesus? Jesus? Where are you?
Come here Jesus, what a good boy.
Jesus, do not pee on that shoe.
Jesus. Sit. Roll over. Good dog.
Jesus, do not try to walk on water.
Jesus, dinner time.

And this is a very small extract from the book "Why My Children Are The Best And I Will Love Them And Smoosh Them Forever"

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